


Lincoln Station Haymarket Crossing
The Lincoln Station Haymarket Crossing project set out to blend materials between new and old. This was to connect people to the area’s history by focusing on historic artifacts while introducing elements to reinforce them and re-use existing site features such as the railroad tracks and platform canopies into the new design.
Haymarket Streetscape
Encompassing several square blocks of the Haymarket District, this project included the design of sidewalk amenities, district signage, and public parking improvements in the area. ESA added new steel benches, bike racks, and trash receptacles were added along many Haymarket streets.
Antelope Valley Bridges
A series of similarly designed bridges, unique to the waterway area, incorporate dynamic lighting, custom signage, and traditional building elements yet symbolize a “rebirth” in the heart of Lincoln.
Havelock Streetscape
Public involvement allowed the opportunity to celebrate the history and uniqueness of the historic Havelock area. From local feedback, we added ornamental lighting, walkways, a combination of permanent district signs and banners, benches, appropriate entrance façade treatments, new plants and trees, and murals to highlight the area’s history.
College View Streetscape
Prescott from 47th to 48th Streets was the location of the College View Streetscape project. Updates included new ornamental lighting, landscaping, trees, amenities such as bike racks, benches, and pole-mounted district signs.
Vine Street Streetscape
The Vine Street Streetscape was a City of Lincoln Project, which included an additional traffic lane, serpentine retaining walls, new walks, extensive landscaping, and decorative lighting from 22nd Street to 27th Street. Collaborating with the Malone Neighborhood Association and the Public Works Department made this a unique example of a street widening project that enhances the aesthetics of the neighborhood and improves traffic and pedestrian safety.
North 27th Street Streetscape
Creating lighting features for the Mopac Trail pedestrian bridge along North 27th Street was a key objective of this Streetscape. An emphasis was placed on highlighting the arch form bridge, rather than “washing” the bridge with light. This provides excellent night visibility. Also included in this project was accent lighting for the masonry columns, particularly those closest to 27th Street, as well as signage for the 27th Street Community and Pentzer Park.
North Bottoms Streetscape
Updating the overall design of walks, ornamental lighting, neighborhood signage, and landscaping beds from Military Road to Charleston were primary objectives of the North Bottoms Streetscape project.
South 17th Street Streetscape
The South 17th Street Streetscape included ornamental lights, sidewalk replacements, and amenities such as benches, bike racks, and planters. This project also included new signage from Washington to Prospect.

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Adaptive Reuse
